Okay, I’m late on posting his stats so we’ll rewind and share the big boy’s numbers from his pediatrician appt two weeks ago.
Weight: 26 lbs 13.5 oz (66 percentile) Height: 33.5 inches (86 percentile) I was just looking back at pictures and a year ago today, Reid was a little less mobile. Now he’s a whirlwind! Here are some quick nuggets about our little Reid at this fun age!
He talks all the time. All. The. Time. Our friends Sarah & Rodney just told us last night that Reid a parrot! He repeats everything you say and remembers what you think is funny so he can say it again! (I need to get Dada to load some videos of our chatterbox.)
We finished our fourth sign-language class a couple weeks ago. He now has more than 75 signs to tell you what he wants, what he sees, and to ask nicely for some milk or snack.
He likes playing hide-and-seek and asking, “Where Baby Reid go?” and “Where Dada go?” and “Where da ball go?”
He talks about the potty a lot, and we are reading a lot about the potty, but the only successes have had more to do with timing on our part, than anything else.
He’s in a Mother’s Day Out program 2 mornings a week and LOVES it! He’s got little buddies in the class, he talks about the teachers all the time, and he takes great naps on the two days he goes!
He loves airplanes, trains, talking, riding on Dada’s bicycle, running, swimming, being outside, giving huggles, going in “Momma car” . . . the list goes on and on. He’s a happy, fun little dude.