For some reason, as a woman gets bigger with pregnancy, one of the most common topics of conversation is her size, and how big she’ll get. At no other time in a woman’s life would her belly, boobs or shoe size be anyone else’s business to discuss. Well, not to her face, anyway.
So, while I’m notorious for saying just the wrong thing myself, I thought I’d share a few gems with you that I’ve heard in the last, oh 30-something weeks…
“Whoa! You’re gianormous!” (Note: This was said to me at 29 weeks. I won’t tell you what my first thought was – this is a PG rated blog, after all. My second thought was, “If I’m gianormous now, how GIGANTIC will I be at 40 weeks?!” My third thought was, “Am I really big enough that you had to make up a word? I mean, couldn’t ‘giant’ or ‘enormous’ be good enough?!”)
“Can I touch your boobs?” (In case there is any doubt, this was NOT Jeremy, and, I said “no.”)
“How much weight have you gained?” (For some reason, I answered this question. Now that I’m in my 36th week, I consider that privileged information.)
And while I’m at it, I said something to a preggo that I will NEVER forgive myself for saying. On Halloween, a cute little mom and her two daughters were at our front door. The mom had an adorable round belly under her tank top. (Do you see where this is going?!) We chatted for a minute about kids and pregnancy and I asked when she was due. She looked at me in horror and said that her husband was in my driveway holding her 6 month-old son. “Do I still look pregnant?!”
I felt like a total shit. See?! It can happen to anyone!! :(
Share your own cringe-worthy comments here. I promise, you’ll feel better. I do. :)