For the first time, our little Reid hasn’t grown as much since his last appointment. He was on such a growth trajectory that we aren’t surprised that he’s starting to level off! Here are his stats:
Weight: 18lbs 10 oz (71 percentile) Height: 27 1/2 in (85 percentile) Latest milestones: getting up on all fours and then scooting backwards, babbling with loud “doy-doy-doy-doy” and “mm-mm-mm-mm” and “ba-ba-ba-ba,” squealing with joy and excitement when he’s happy, launching himself at Sadie Belle, making juicy and loud raspberries with his lips, and charming everyone he meets with his big smile and happy eyes! 

He’s been on a few road trips, an airplane ride, been in three states and met many friends and family far away. We hope to have those photos posted in the next couple days! (We took an obscene amount of pictures so it has taken time to get through them.) Believe it or not, the once-great eater is now very picky. The doctor encouraged us to keep trying a greater variety of solids and he should be eating 3 meals a day now! He is becoming very affectionate and will “hug” your neck when you hold him. He also likes to kiss and slobber so I keep a burp cloth handy. He plays a lot which includes picking things up, turning them around, switching hands and (always) putting the toy in his mouth! He still loves to splash and play in his tub, to be outside watching the trees and jumping in his “cube.” His cousin Avery said, “he go CRAZY!” watching him get so excited he screams and jumps for a minute solid.
This baby LOVES his puppy! She comes over to check him out a couple times a day and lets him pet her. She still gets nervous around him, but that’s probably a good thing! :)
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